Boring Old Menu Bar

Boring Old Menu Bar was developed to bring the 'perfectly fine' macOS Catalina menu bar to macOS 11 Big Sur. MacOS 11 Big Sur does many things right and after a bit of getting used to, the visual style really grows on you. The transparent menu bar, however, is a bit of a legibility nightmare and something I could not live with. Oct 04, 2020 Boring Old Menu Bar - Initial Charge I don’t plan to upgrade to Big Sur for several months after release. But I’m not too fond of the translucent menu bar, so when I eventually upgrade, I’ll probably use an app like this. ⌁ October 4, 2020. Boring Old Menu Bar 1.12 Boring Old Menu Bar was developed to bring the “perfectly fine” macOS Catalina menu bar to macOS 11 Big Sur. MacOS 11 Big Sur does many things. December 24, 2020. Oct 04, 2020 Boring Old Menu Bar I don’t plan to upgrade to Big Sur for several months after release. But I’m not too fond of the translucent menu bar, so when I eventually upgrade, I’ll probably use an app like this. Boring Old Menu Bar is brought to you by a development team with over 20 years of Mac software development experience, and is based on the very latest platform technologies. Separate settings for light and dark mode support for dynamic wall papers support for multiple desktops (spaces).


The more I use MacOS Big Sur the more I like the new interface changes. It takes some getting used to for sure. One complaint people have with Big Sur is Menu Bar transparency. I like this feature; I can work with it. However, some folks just dislike how the Menu Bar appears in Big Sur. There are a couple of things you can do to improve the transparency.

Menu Bar Transparency

Boring Old Menu Bar Design

Here is how the Menu Bar looks with Big Sur’s transparency activated: Carbon copy cloner mojave.

Boring Old Menu Barber Shop

Boring old menu bar

The Menu Bar takes on the background color of the Desktop. Some people think this makes the icons in the Menu Bar somewhat less legible. I think they have a point, but for me the icons still work fine.

Boring old menu bar ideasMenu

If you go into System Preferences and click on “Accessibility” you can set the Menu Bar to not be transparent.

Just click on “Display” in the left sidebar and then check the box for “Reduce transparency”. That makes the Menu Bar look less transparent.

Now the icons are very contrasty and easy to see. But, that fix is not enough for some people.

Some people that do no like the Big Sur Menu Bar transparency also dislike the fact that it has rounded corners on each end. Now, this is getting a little picky, but if you can have your cake and eat it too, you may as well. One person has created a little App called “Boring Old Menu Bar” which reverts the Menu Bar back to the Catalina appearance. Hey, that works for me if it works for them.


MacOS Big Sur does have major changes to appearance. It takes time to get acclimated to it. I am sure there will be other little fixes to revert certain parts of the OS to more standard looks.