Focus To Do Todoist

The best productivity apps for ADHD brains utilize customizable reminders, shareable calendars, and digital notetaking to help with focus. Here are some favorite apps for to-do lists, personal finance, focus, organization, and project management recommended by ADDitude readers. Focus To-Do combines Pomodoro Timer with Task Management, it is a science-based app that will motivate you to stay focused and get things done.

What Happens When a Focused To-Do List Meets Powerful Project Management Tools?

You go from “Todoist” to saying, “Hello, Focus!”

Engaged, in-the-know, anticipating changes before they arise and seeing a clear road to “done”: can your “to-do” list do this?

When you’re ready to move from an ever-unfolding, never-ending task-list and find a solution that banishes procrastination, sparks your inherent productivity and helps you bring your team into the loop, you’ll need way more than just a list.

You’ll need to have a way to organize, plan and delegate that list. You’ll need to zoom out and literally be able to see and visualize how these “tasks” fit into a broader scope. And you’ll need to be able to keep communications about tasks in one spot, engaging only who it’s relevant to, without overwhelming the whole team.

Hello Focus is that alternative to Todoist that brings your whole team together to accomplish so much more than just a check-mark on a task. We move your project forward, with you in the driver’s seat.

Don’t Micro-Manage & Don’t Multi-Task – Strike a Balance Instead

Yes, tasks are important. They’re the building blocks that move a project forward. If you drop the ball on one, it can have a serious Domino chain reaction. Tasks don’t exist in silos, they’re always interdependent.

Focus To Do Todoist

But isn’t that exactly why you need so much more than just a to-do list?

As an alternative to Todoist, Hello Focus maintains focus on more than just tasks. It responds to the humans behind that task. The truth is that we’re not robots and crossing tasks off our lists requires way more than “karma points” and gamification incentives.

Humans need a way to mitigate those annoying little behaviors that allow us to sabotage those Big Plans. And you need a way to zone in to just one thing – the most important things – that will help you make real progress.

Rather than overwhelming you and your team with a cascading list of items, Hello Focus lets you set up tasks, decide which are recurring, automate what you need and then takes over. Built “for your eyes only”, the Hello Focus app only brings to your attention relevant tasks, one a time.

Our “Do Not Disturb” feature makes sure you maintain focus, rather than jumping after the next shiny object or, worse still, putting off the big and meaningful things you need to get done in favour of “busywork”.

Task notes, SMS task reminders, task emails: granular control can be very useful – but only if you’re not wasting your time micro-managing the management of these tasks.

Map Your Way to “Done!”

With your focus pointing straight ahead – jumping from one task to the next – you’re prone to develop tunnel vision. Hello Focus only helps you zone in to specific tasks, blocking out all other distractions when you decide it’s time to get working.

Otherwise, the app helps you zoom out and place the stacking and completion of these tasks as part of a larger roadmap from the start to the finish of a project. Our powerful and time-tested Gantt Chart links tasks, resources and team members together so you can get a comprehensive visualization of where you are.

How valuable is this information when you’re trying to update a client, make a budget tighter and shift directions of a project, after the first round of revisions?

In a word: invaluable.

Gantt charts in Hello Focus deliver so much more than a snapshot. When you use them to check-in and review, they can be your compass, continually guiding you to a triumphant, “done!”, “going live!” and “getting paid!”

Productivity Tracking Meets Project Tracking

Todoist is all about task-tracking. But what about project tracking? How do you take stock, make sure your tasks align with the progress of your project and that the right team members are working on the right tasks?

Project management is about more than just assigning, delegating, automating and having recurring reminders. To truly be effective in getting things done, you need to know why you’re doing it and get a sense if your strategy is working or not.

That’s why Hello Focus allows you to see who is working on what at any given time. You can make sure that each of your team members are playing to their strengths. Generate insightful reports for team and project productivity, and tweak your resource and assigned tasks going forward.

From “Todoist” to “Focused”

What if you could:

  • Get results in your personal and professional life by going above and beyond tasks and lists?
  • Hook these fundamental units to a larger vision and design your own outcome?
  • Skip the overwhelm of multi-tasking and become a powerful force, accomplishing just one thing at a time, while getting more done overall?

Try the next-gen Hello Focus app risk free today!

Get started with Hello Focus!
Join thousands of people and companies who trust Hello Focus to accomplish more every day! Built from the ground up based on leading research around productivity. It’s literally designed to help you stay productive!

Recently I’ve become a huge fan of Todoist.

While I was building LifeHQ, a semi-direct competitor to Todoist, I had researched it, gave it a few spins then left it alone.

But since I started focusing on FocusHub, Todoist stopped being a competitor and became my major todo app.

I am using it to balance between developing FocusHub, writing on this blog and working on my freelance projects.

They also run a great blog called Ambition & Balance.

To do or Not To do

I’ve been debating with myself for a while about wether to add tasks and todo lists to FocusHub. But for now I decided against it, so I’m going to add a few integrations. Starting with Todoist.

Todoist is the best app on the market for managing your todos, so it makes sense to be the first integration.

Todoist Integration

There is no point to look at your tasks if you’re not going to work on them, so I added the Todoist integration on our Focus Sessions page, you will see it once you create a Focus session.

While you are doing your focused work, you can look to your tasks and cross them out when you complete them, easy peasy.

Connect Todoist

Clicking Connect Todoist will take you to your Profile page where you can set your Todoist api token.

When you click save you’ll be redirected to your previous work session.

It only synchronizes your tasks for today, which is enough for now.

The tasks will be sorted by priority and you will notice that Priority 1 tasks have red underline, Priority 2 have yellow and Priority 3 have blue underline.

Complete tasks

Just crossing of your tasks will not automatically sync them to your Todoist app because often times we click the wrong task.

So once you complete one task, a new sync button will appear at the bottom that does the uploads your completed tasks to Todoist and removes them from Focushub.

After you sync the button and the completed tasks will dissapear.

I am using this every day, I hope you find it useful.

You can join FocusHub and upgrade your productivity here.

Focus To Do Todoist

PS: Quick announcement, Social habits are coming soon allowing you to interact together with people with similar productive interests as yourself.

Until next time,

Focus To Do Vs Todoist

Focus To Do Todoist

Stay Productive.