How To Do Mail Merge In Ms Word

Before you begin, open a blank document in Word and type the body of the email message you want to send. To send an email, a MAPI-compatible email program like Outlook or Gmail needs to be installed. Step 1: Prepare your main document Go to Mailings Start Mail Merge E-mail Messages. A main mail merge document in Word contains two important things: 1) the text that will remain the same between the personalized copies, and 2) the codes that tell Word what fields to insert at what points. Follow these steps: Start a new blank document. (Pressing Ctrl+N. Thank you cards or holiday cards, making labels, or emailing out a note to a large amount of recipients. Once you have an Excel spreadsheet that has all of t. Start the merge and specify the main document. The first step in the mail merge process is to start.

This article will show how to easily add Cc and Bcc recipients while mailing the merged document. There is no such build-in option in Microsoft Office but using Mail Merge Toolkit you can send Carbon and Blind Carbon Copies. Just specify secondary and hidden recipients the same way as in regular Outlook messages.

But what’s the point of sending copies of personalized emails in the first place?

The main idea of Cc is to make all recipients aware of getting the same message. And later by using the Reply All option, people from this email thread can be involved in the future conversation. This is especially useful for related contacts like a recipient, and recipient`s assistant, or student, and parent, or client, and account manager, etc.

On the other hand, Bcc allows the opposite scenario, by hiding additional recipients from anyone listed in the To and Cc fields in order to protect the privacy of email addresses and names.


Canal deezer live. This can be used in both internal and external communications.

Add CC or BCC recipients in a Mail Merge

Let’s imagine a scenario, that we need to send personalized mailout to sales managers. We also need to send a carbon copy to corresponding supervisors. And a special archiving email address must be specified in the blind carbon copy field, hiding it from other recipients.

So first, we add email addresses for the Cc field to the data source.

Then, after finishing the mass email template in Microsoft Word or Publisher, open advanced mail merge features by clicking Merge and Send. Here you will find all new settings added by the Mail Merge Toolkit. How to merge iphone contacts with google contacts.

How To Do Mail Merge In Ms Word 2010

Here, in the Message settings, two ways of adding secondary recipients available:

How to do mail merge in ms word

How To Set Up A Mail Merge

  1. Personalize Cc and Bcc using Merge Fields that will be replaced by addresses from a data source. In this case, supervisors will get a copy of a specific message only.
  2. Add a specific email address, so this recipient will receive a copy of all the emails.

How To Do Mail Merge In Ms Word 2016


If you want to add multiple addresses, separate them with a semicolon.

How To Do Mail Merge In Ms Word 2010

After hitting the Send messages button, multiple personalized emails with specified Cc and Bcc recipients will be created and sent using Microsoft Outlook.

Mail Merge From Excel To Word

Video Tutorial and Walkthrough: Mail Merge with Carbon and Blind Carbon copy

How To Do Mail Merge In Ms Word From Excel

Learn more about other features of Mail Merge Toolkit or download and try it yourself.